June 20th
I finally have an edited video that I can share that shows what this project is. This will be a longterm endeavor as I plan on doing a minimum of 1,000 feet. The idea is simple, if you haven't yet, please share a memory about a death you remember as a voicemail at 651-321-4996. Then I will write your story into the piece.
June 9th
The project has been underway for a few weeks now and already done a lot of work. Here's a little clip of how I travel with it. I was pretty pleased with the setup!
May 19th
To be a part of my next art project, tell me about a death you remember. Please share your story in a voice message by calling 651-321-4996. I will then write your story into the art.
The little clip above is how I put the lines on the paper in preparation of your stories.
This project has come about for many different reasons
Have a good Saturday - Phil