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Recent Audience Feedback

The feedback below was given directly by audience attendees via texting.

Regional Philanthropy Organization

  1. Your performance/presentation was amazing! I’m right in the middle of my healing journey and realizing how much I have blocked so much goodness in my life! Can’t wait to read your book, thank you for signing a copy for me. I am really taking your challenge to heart to look at ways my limits are really my gifts! Thank you for sharing your light! 

  2. Inspiring!!!!

  3. Absolutely loved the presentation. The interaction was so meaningful and fun! It will no doubt have a lasting impact on my life. Thank you!

  4. You and your creative art are absolutely AMAZING!!!!! I really enjoyed listening to you and inspirational stories. Thank you!!

  5. It was amazing! Very inspiring, and your art is beautiful, relatable, humorous, and meaningful. Thank you for presenting.

  6. Incredible

  7. 10/10! Well done and thank you for your energy!

  8. It was wonderful. I loved the art and the message !

  9. Amazing at conference. Such talent!

  10. Amazing!!!!!! You were fabulous! Such a treat!

  11. Great presentation !! Enjoyed participating 

  12. Excellent motivational and innovative and fun!

  13. FANTASTIC!! So meaningful, not fluffy and lame. A true purposeful conversation.

  14. I think you are brilliant and your work is remarkable. Such talent being used to advance the way people see each other and engage. Amazing!

  15. Absolutely enlightening I loved every message!!! ❤️ EMBRACE THE SHAKE!!


Franchise Gym Company

  1. Your presentation was so inspiring and also super interesting. I really enjoyed the interactive drawing part! Lots of laughs! I learned a lot :) thanks for a great presentation!

  2. Loved it!!

  3. So moving!!! You are the definition of a "true artist "💕

  4. Your presentation & art experience were truly inspiring. It's evident that you're an artist who pushes boundaries & creates with a unique & meaningful perspective. Keep up the fantastic work! Thanks for the PDF!!! 😊🎨

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. I'm here with my husband (owner and operator of 3 gyms) and I'm actually a full time elementary art teacher. I probably received your message differently from non-art folks but I will speak to my experience regardless. Last month I was diagnosed with breast cancer and am going in to get a double mastectomy next Friday. I've been so overwhelmed, even though I'm blessed with an amazing prognosis and live in the Houston area and have a doctor who was trained at MDAnderson. But still, there will be challenges for the rest of my life because of this. Again, so blessed and happy to be alive to take the journey but some moments are tearful... Hearing your story and advice to seize the limitation spoke directly me. I feel that God put me in your path because I needed to hear that. Thank you for sharing your experience and for refusing to be a helpless victim of your circumstances. God bless you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  6. It was awesome! My name is Sarah and I have alopecia and had to shave my head too so I related with her story!!! Really cool to see other people becoming stronger through their difficulties! 💪🏽💪🏽

  7. I loved it! And the message!

  8. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! You are so talented! You kept me engaged the entire time 💜

  9. I thought it was awesome - I had to gently remind my hubby to keep an open mind as he had no idea why you were talking about Art to fitness experts! Learning to find opportunity where most everyone sees limitations is something that everyone needs to be reminded of. Our mind is the largest muscle in our body! It requires a daily workout and most of the time that can't be created in your own mind-you have to connect to others, hear their stories, expand your perspective, stay curious, ask questions, repurpose limitations into opportunity and keep growing! Thank you for sharing! — Carpe Diem — Seize the Opportunity

  10. Fantastic! You touched me on so many levels. Yes, tears were flowing 😳 I am excited to rethink my limitations. Keep sharing your message 💕

  11. Such an inspiration to hear you speak!

  12. Loved it! Inspiring. Fun. Not at all boring or expected! Keep it up!

  13. It was great very eye opening

  14. Great presentation and message. LOVED the different art and mediums.

  15. Inspirational!

  16. Absolutely inspiring! I'm a mom to a 9 year old autistic boy that has overcome so many obstacles and your story brought me to tears.

  17. I really enjoyed it. It made me think differently about the struggles we've had over the past 16 years with AF. Love seeing how you took your talent and applied it in so many other ways. I was surprised that I guessed Bruce Lee by the second hand chop! I sent a photo to my son. Our family is big into Bruce Lee and Jeet Kun Do &Muay Thai. ☺️

  18. Very enlightening! I like the mix of your spectacular art with the story of your journey! 5 stars!

  19. You presentation was so good, what a cool journey to see adversity through a completely different lens. As someone with little artistic experience, I felt included in your story! Thank you thank you 💪🏼💜

  20. It was very, very very encouraging, and brings a lot of understanding with people not branching out because of their insecurities, and how our own fears, and that hold us back. It is amazing how we concentrate only on the negative aspect and can't see the positive side and the freedom of all the opportunities are there and that are awaiting us.

  21. Very inspiring

  22. I loved your message - we often get in our own ways with self defeating thoughts.Framing challenges as opportunities to think differently and creatively unlocks potential we didn't know we had. ❤️

  23. Your presentation was so amazing and moving! And your art is the BEST!!!

  24. I was blown away by not only your back story, but your insane ability to create such amazing one of a kind art! You are truly blessed and talented. Thank you for sharing your gifts and your life belief in your motto to "Embrace The Shake".

  25. Totally amazed -!!!! And inspiring

  26. Your story and effort to share others is inspirational. I was letting the CEO know that I actually broke my wrist this summer on my dominant hand. Art has always been an out let for me, in the same styles you showed actually. That's what really captured my attention. And then the connecting message of taking your "limitations" or rather "life's personalized tests of character and development" and embracing them to tackle life in your own confident way. Learn to appreciate difficulties because no one will ever have the same opportunity to learn the same way you do since no one will ever live the same life

  27. Very engaging. Had to get out of my comfort zone with drawing. Real life stuff so thank you!!!

  28. Your speech was revolutionary! I think it was just what I needed to hear!!

  29. Outstanding! Thanks for being here with us.🙂

  30. You were awesome. Incredibly inspiring. Gave me a lot to think about with limitations/limiting belief - and to consider if there are things I might just be putting in my own way

  31. It was absolutely perfect. Inspiring

  32. Awesome job today Phil! It was very helpful!💯

  33. Outstanding. You are a great speaker. Thank you for sharing your story and your talent with us all!

  34. You are amazing!!!! Seriously wow!!! I absolutely loved to see your art, you're an astounding artist.

  35. It was amazing! Lots of insights! Very inspirational. Loved it. Thank you for all the share!

  36. Loved it! So glad you overcame a potential limitation to be able to inspire us today.

  37. Awesome presentation!

  38. 🤩

  39. You did a great job!

  40. It was amazing! You are definitely an insanely talented artist and I appreciate you taking the time out to speak to all of us!!

  41. Thank you for the session. I really enjoyed it. I loved the topic. It was well presented.

  42. Absolutely amazing thank you

  43. Hi! I love being creative and love art projects myself. I took a lot away personally especially when dealing with roadblocks and searching outwardly. Our excuses come from within and we have the power to make that change

  44. Loved it!! Your artwork is amazing.

  45. I thought the presentation was great. You're a prolific artist and you've also mastered being an exceptional speaker. Our team often talks about limiting beliefs so we are all personally invested in the concept. Thanks for coming out.

  46. Very inspirational and gave me food for thought. Appreciate you and your message.

  47. Hi I loved it so far it's my favorite part and it hit home for me in so many ways 💜

  48. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💜👌🏽

  49. really fun and I loved it

  50. Your presentation was by far the most fun & interactive! I really connected with your story & felt inspired by the other stories you shared as well. And not to mention how blown away I was at the art you created! It really made me reframe how I viewed limitations w/in my own life. I already downloaded your pdf & am gonna read that & watch ur Ted Talk on YouTube! It was a really phenomenal presentation 😃

  51. it was awesome! loved the art work

  52. It was so good!

  53. Amazing. Wasn't expecting it to be that good. Sometimes these types of events can be corny buy your Wasn't at all. I shared my drawings with my wife and we had a good laugh. Thanks you for a great presentation. The message resonated 100 % 👏🏾 👏🏾

  54. It was amazing! Very engaging, your story was empowering and a perfect start to our day! I loved how you included everyone and really touched on the limitation vs self limitation beliefs. I'm so glad you overcame your health obstacle and was able to look at it as an opportunity to embrace the shake! Because of this, you are able to continue sharing your love with the world through your art!! We are going to get Snoop to see your artwork one way or another 👏👏👏

  55. Loved it Phil. Great artwork.

  56. Loved it!

  57. I met you afterwards and expressed to you what a priceless contribution to humanity you are and that I believe you are the greatest success story here today simply because it's that mindset that you shared that allows for the vector of all other growth, development, and success one would ever hope for in life... I appreciate your spirit and thought the presentation was spectacular. I wish your longevity and joy in your continued pursuit of what it means to be truly human. ❤️

  58. It was very motivational and uplifting!

  59. At first I was like what does art have to do with fitness. But you presented it well on how to overcome adversity and limitations. Thank you for your inspiration.

  60. You were fucking fantastic!! This is my first AF conference...was not looking forward to it...but you made the trip worthwhile! Thank you for sharing your story… Your art… And your wisdom. I especially loved Sarah's story. Because I have a daughter suffering from this in high school also. I sent her story to my daughter

  61. I absolutely LOVED it!!! I'm an artist myself and there has been so many times I've just felt defeated in that world and dove myself into something else (hence being here at an AF conference lol). And hearing your words have been so inspiring and encouraging, in all aspects of what I have and am going through. I enjoyed it all. Thank you so much.

  62. I really enjoyed your presentation. Everything was done well. Well timed and interactive. Thank you for a great time. I'm excited to see your final artwork! 😊

  63. Love love love your presentation! We all experience objections and we are in MS where fitness isn't a priority and it's frustrating! But you just made it ok! We need to figure out how to embrace the shake!!

  64. It was great! Thank you so much! I loved the drawing and interactive part. Your art is super cool. Glad I got exposed to you.

  65. You knocked it out of the park. Loved the presentation

  66. You've touched my heart and made me think about a few things in my life . I'm going to go home and do some changes and spend more time on myself . Thank you so much 💜

  67. Hi Phil!!! What an amazing story you have. It was such an inspiration and quite the honor to listen in today. Thank you!

  68. You are an inspiration Your art is amazing! Really enjoyed the show

  69. It was great

  70. Excellent preso! Best one yet

  71. Awesome and inspiring; made me think about my "limitations" and how I put them on myself! Loved the drawing exercises!!

  72. It was awesome! Thank you for sharing and inspiring

  73. I was just speaking about ya to my friend. You presentation was very rewarding to listen to and I am fascinated by your perception of art and life itself I would be happy to just sit with ya and hear your thoughts. Thank you for sharing your story with us it was amazing and very rewarding thank you.

  74. Amazing!!! Very engaging!!! You're incredibly talented!! Thank you so much!!


  76. 5 star presentation! Heartfelt and inspiring stories! You're unbelievably talented and very inspiring! Thank you for being a part of our conference.

  77. I thought your presentation was awesome. You can tell how genuine and sincere you are with your word and message. I got a lot from what you said. Thank you Phil.

  78. Loved it! Loved it!

  79. It's was very funny with a touch of heart warming I'm so amazed how you were still able to do your passion. It really shows I can succeed as well with any obstacle

  80. It was a great presentation. I loved how you engaged us into it and I can't wait to see what you've created

  81. It was amazing. Your story and the stories of others was inspiring. Getting the crowd involved was awesome! Love your work!

  82. Phenomenal presentation. I loved every piece of it. Thank you for sharing your art with the world! Your mindset change philosophy definitely resonates with me.

  83. You absolutely crushed it brotha🤯

  84. LOVED IT!

  85. Fabulous! So fun!

  86. The drawing you created from our collective art was beautiful. I loved your presentation and the whole experience. Thank you!!!

  87. Your presentation was wonderful and you are a very talented speaker and artist!

  88. What you do is absolutely phenomenal. Thank you for sharing your time with us 🙏🏻

  89. Amazing story!! You have such a God-given gift! Everyone who hears it can't help but be inspired!!

  90. Your art is fantastic! The presentation was so relatable and real. You're story is really inspiring thank you for sharing it

  91. Fantastic experience! I was fully engaged even when we weren't actively participating. Left with some laughs and definitely inspiration :)

  92. You're amazing Absolutely incredible Thank you So inspirational

  93. I absolutely loved your presentation and what you did with our sketches. Thank you.

  94. Loved the engagement from the art experience - you're so talented!

  95. So amazing!!!! Your presentation was fabulous and your creative mind is unbelievable 💜

  96. I thought your presentation was so honest and inspirational. Thank you for sharing your story!

  97. You are an incredible presenter and artist! You made us laugh, meet new people, and most most importantly, you reminded many of us that it was a good thing we didn't become artists 😆

Large Association Group

  1. Phil, your presentation was pure inspiration! Your ability to "think outside the box" and find impact (and passion) in unconventional solutions is enviable. My self-limiting beliefs are my biggest hindrance and you've given me hope of finding my way through the "cloud of self-doubt". Thank you! Your art is AH-MAZING!!

  2. I loved your presentation!

  3. Amazing process/ and end result. Loved the whole presentation.

  4. Yeah sure! My scribbles will be displayed in digital museums for future generations! And your show was amazing, and extremely inspirational! Thank you so much, Phil!

  5. Loved your session! You made it real and helped us connect why we need to embrace our roadblocks. Also, your art is all AMAZING!

  6. Your presentation this morning was amazing.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.... and your incredible art.  I love the fact that you were able to "embrace the shake" and pivot into such an amazing direction!  You are incredibly talented and insightful.  Looking forward to seeing more!!

  8. Your presentation was very inspiring! It made me start to think about what self-limitations I have been imposing!

  9. Your presentation was awesome!!! Having us draw and participate was incredible!! Keep up the great work!!!

  10. Loved your presentation and your facilitation skills- you stayed up front what we were going to do and then went into your story.  I also loved how you incorporated a tool that tends to be a distraction in presentations - the cell phone - and you used it as the activity. Plus you now have access to cell phone numbers to get feedback and continue the engagement- well done!

  11. Great presentation! 

  12. Great presentation, very inspirational!!

  13. It was fantastic Phil! Thank you. 

  14. Loved it. Was very inspiring and thought-provoking. Thank you so much for being here!

  15. It was engaging and filled with many "take aways!" Thank you!!

  16. Oh fantastic!!  I loved the presentation and interactive activities!

  17. The "drawing part" was engaging and inspiring! Thank you!

  18. So so good. So interesting how many things got unstuck in my brain while you shared. It was like I was listening and at the same time planning all these things I want to do in my life and work. So happy you stuck with art. Truly inspiring.

  19. It was fabulous!  Love the concepts. Love the artwork

  20. Had a great time. Great presentation. Awesome story. It was a privilege

  21. Your presentation was assuming and inspiring. It reignited my passion for drawing

  22. Hi! It was great! I enjoyed the engagement and the topic was very powerful

  23. Absolutely loved your presentation. Love the interactivity. Really helped me think about how to shake things up and how to turn things around that I'm dealing with at work and look at them as gifts instead of problems. Also helped me think that way in my life. I really enjoyed it. Great job.

  24. It was great! You are super talented and really engaged your audience.

  25. Oh I loved it! Made me inspired to try new things art-wise. And it challenged me to think about the difference between a limitation and a limiting belief in a new way. Thank you for taking the time!

  26. Great job! Innovative and interesting session!

  27. Inspiring and a message and example for not only me, but my friends and children.  Thanks for sharing and the experience.  It was a lot of fun as well!

  28. Great presentation! Talent is phenomenal!

  29. Phil, it was one thing to see your Ted Talk previously but another thing to be part of an interactive session with you.  Thank you and looking forward to seeing what you have created from all the shared creativity that was in the room.

  30. I loved it! Very inspiring and the activity was highly interactive in the best way possible. I was lucky enough to grab a booklet, and perused during lunch - I enjoyed it so much that I immediately sent the pdf to several friends and coworkers. Thank you for documenting what worked for you and kindly sharing!

  31. Very cool. Inspired me to try making art again. Thinking on it.

  32. Inspiring and so creative

  33. It was phenomenal. I have shared your story and Sarah's story with my favorite friend.

  34. Inspiring, uplifting, self-limiting beliefs- easy to recognize, extremely difficult to overcome IMHO.

  35. Hello Phil!  I REALLY enjoyed you presentation.  As an adult trainer/instructor, one of my biggest challenges is finding ways to get and keep my students engaged and wanting to learn the material me and my coworkers teach.  Creativity is a huge part of that.  In  our arena,  embracing the limitations/circumstances to find effective creative ways to teach is incredibly important.  My daughter is also an artist, she likely knows who you are.  Plan on sharing your videos with her.

  36. Fantastic! 5/5. Your art and storytelling deeply resonated with me personally, which cemented your message into my mind. Looking forward to following you more.

  37. You are a fantastic talented unique artist. I enjoyed the presentation and the way you engaged us as well!

  38. The presentation was amazing. I found it entertaining, informative and moving. Thank you!

  39. Excellent presentation, clear, good storytelling model making it memorable. The concepts can be applied to our industry. This will likely be my most memorable presentation of this conference. 

  40. Loved it, very inspiring and more importantly showed the value of flipping our thoughts on acknowledging a limitation and then testing it to see if it's due! I need the art tool in my life, that was really fun and I look forward to what you create with it.

  41. Loved it.  Very energizing and innovative

  42. Loved it! Your story is inspiring and loved the distinction between limitations and self-limiting beliefs. Your art is AMAZING!!!

  43. your art is amazing, your ideas are inspiring, and I plan on carrying that inspiration forward like ripples in a pond :)

  44. Your artwork is amazing. As someone who is not artistic and would run from art classes the art experience was fun and engaging!

  45. It was AMAZING!  Beautiful stories, and inspiring!  Very very very happy I was able to attend your presentation!  Thank you!

  46. Your work is stunning and legendary! I learned so much during your session! I'm looking forward to owning a piece of your work one day! I appreciated your presentation. It was motivating and engaging! Thank you for what you do

  47. Thank you! I loved the interactive part of it. I was challenged as an artist since I had never drawn with a stylus. Super fun

  48. I loved it! So fun and engaging! Made me open my mind to ways to be more creative.

  49. Absolutely love the presentation.  I'm really taking a lot from your discussion of limitations versus self limiting belief.  It is so useful and inspiring

  50. Amazing job!  Powerful message!  Really enjoyed the session.

  51. Phenomenal presentation and intro into the conference! Was blown away and completely engaged. Thank you for coming!

Franchise Education Company

  1. It was amazing!

  2. Wonderful talk, kept us engaged and excited about what you had to share with us. It was a pleasure to be there in person!

  3. It was amazing and very motivational. It made me think of a lot of things. Thank you so much!

  4. I loved your presentation... The pace was energetic and your humor was just right for this audience... you gave me a creative idea to do with my staff, so I will send you the results! So glad we stayed for Sunday!!

  5. I enjoyed the presentation and watching your artwork come to life. I wish I could have been there in person. A few years ago, I basically started life over, and I'm struggling to get out of the "what is" mentality and into the "what if" way of thinking. I would love to purchase your workbook on limitations. Thank you for sharing your story and reminding me that I still have many possibilities in life, even at 47 😊

  6. It was amazing! So inspiring and heart touching! Your presentation really made this trip worth my time and money I just hope I can see you again, I just have a different view of my personal challenges thanks to your touching words!

  7. Hello!! Thank you again for the amazing presentation!! You were such a dynamic speaker. I love how you engaged the crowd with the drawings to create the portrait! I take this with me : instead of "seize the day", think "seize the limitation", which is especially important to me since I have a son who is 13 with autism. I'm going to share this message with him 💜 thank you again!!

  8. Amazing and inspiring presentation. Loved it. Thank you ❤️

  9. Your presentation was amazing! The art collage was mind boggling! You are very talented. Thanks for sharing your art and your wisdom.

  10. YOU WERE SO INSPIRATIONAL! There is no doubt you are a phenomenal artist but you are also an amazing motivational speaker!!!! I oohed and aahed  as well as laughed, cried and took away such a positive, life changing message!I may have limitations BUT I WILL NOT HAVE self limiting beliefs! I WILL SEIZE MY LIMITATIONS! THANK YOU! It was an honor and a privilege to see your art in action as well as see and hear you speak.

  11. Inspiring and surprising! 🙌🏽🌟🎁💝

  12. It was one of the best keynotes I've ever attended! Inspirational, humorous, relatable, engaging, and joyful. Thank you for sharing your story and for leaving us with such wonderful nuggets of inspiration! Can't wait to share your work with my students.

  13. I think your presentation rocks, and this was my 3rd time seeing your presentation, as the camera operator & projectionist on the local  show production crew here in Orlando. I am always impressed when other members of the local production crew are wowed by your presentation, as they were again  today. You Rock the corporate convention speaking scene.

  14. Hi, Phil. Thank you so much for sharing your story and creativity with us. The power we have over ourselves is astonishing. As I was the first time I saw your Ted talk a few years back, I am excited to examine my areas in need of improvement and face my limitations. Keep creating! - Big Mike 🍕

  15. Your presentation was simply inspiring. Thank you for being a voice of empowerment. You're a living example of what can be accomplished once one realizes the power that lies within. Everything is possible when one believes in the divinity of humanity. Thank you for sharing your story without presenting yourself as a victim of the circumstances. You are truly the embodiment of the human spirit. Thank you for sharing your talent and for being an inspiration to those who may be living in an obscure reality at the moment. Your story is a light that shines to promote hope. 

  16. Your keynote was inspirational. Your creativity made it very enjoyable and thought provoking. I was thinking about how to use some of your ideas with the Instructional Coaches I work with.

  17. Absolutely loved your story. It spoke to my heart, thank you.

  18. I absolutely loved it! You are so talented. Insightful and thought provoking. 

  19. Our group was discussing how amazing that presentation was- like one of the best, most impactful keynotes we have ever seen. Excellent work, and truly inspiring!! Thank you!

  20. I truly enjoyed your presentation, wasn't sure what to expect when you were announced, and had limited knowledge about your experience, and what you did. But I was completely engaged. I really took away what you talked about when it came to limitations and felt it was a very powerful statement. as head of school and a middle school teacher, the young story you shared of the young lady and her wigs was very moving.

  21. Your keynote this morning was amazing!! 

  22. Loved every minute (minus my highly-sensitive-introvert discomfort with "finding a friend" and drawing their face, lol)!  Your multi-media creativity I plan to share with my creative teen son, who will think you're very cool.  Your inspirational message I will hold close and continue to reflect upon.  Thank you for sharing your gifts with us today!

  23. You are incredibly talented and highly intelligent. This was one of the best closing in AMS events in many years. Not since I saw Maya Angelou in Madison Square Gardens in New York who had me in tears, have I been so engaged with the speaker. I truly appreciated hearing your story and seeing your creativity.  This is one I won't forget!

  24. Thank you for an inspiring key note!

  25. Loved the presentation, your message and the engagement with the audience :)

  26. Thank you for your inspiration and interactive presentation.  You killed it, my friend.

  27. You were the exact kind of thing I needed today, and to wrap up the conference. Your love of that moment of "meeting and navigating through a limitation" is spot on what many of us do ti help students engage with their own agency. Your message and appreciation of limits as the pathway to freedom/exploring was a shining light to finalize our conference!

  28. I loved your enthusiasm and creativity. It was such an interactive speech. Speech isn't the right word for what you do, but I'm at a loss to find a descriptor. Can't wait to show my school the beautiful collaborative picture. Thanks so much.

  29. The presentation was very inspiring, emotional and full of life wisdom. Thank you for sharing the part of your life that made you who you are as an artist.

  30. Today's presentation was inspirational and filled me with hope personally and professionally. Your message aligns perfectly with the work I do. Your story and art are amazing and I thank you for sharing your time, talents, and story with us.

  31. What an inspiration you are!!!  Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and your incredible journey. 

  32. Brilliantly presented. Thank you so much for sharing your story and you touched all our hearts by having our drawings create the portrait. We felt seen ❤️

  33. Phil, I was mesmerized by your presentation!!!  I found all possible videos of your art on YouTube and started to follow you up on Instagram! 😁 You are an INCREDIBLE ARTIST and it was very important to hear your words today.

  34. Loved loved your talk from this morning✌️❤️

  35. Exceptional, thank you so much. 

  36. It was fantastic! I think it was the highlight of the conference!

  37. Best keynote speaker this entire conference!

  38. Your presentation was fantastic. Very informative, enlightening and inspirational. I really enjoyed the interactive creative element the most.

  39. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your process(es) with us

  40. This was one of the best keynotes I've seen in years.

  41. Amazing!  You should have been the intro speaker on Friday!! That's the kind of message that we need to constantly hear!

  42. Don't get me started!!!!😄 That was an incredibly awesome, mind blowing, eye opening, unforgettable, and inspiring presentation!!!

  43. I thought it was so inspirational! I have taken a medical leave from work because I was diagnosed with cancer in December. I have been fairly good at staying positive but felt knocked down again a couple weeks ago when my mother died. Your message today was exactly what I needed, thank you 😊.  Please take care.

  44. I love your dynamic and creative presentation. It was amazing and mind blowing

  45. Amazing! I had an eye opening and it opened up my eyes to implement some of these concepts to my children in the class

  46. I'm in awe! It was wonderful and inspiring. My husband was an electrician by trade early in life. He had ulnar nerve surgery in both arms. He ended up with permanent nerve damage in both arms. As he has aged the tremors are worse. He did change careers and was successful, and now retired.  He used to play the guitar and now it's too difficult. He never lets out get him down though. Thank you for sharing your story and your gift with the world! 💕🙏

  47. When I was a child in the 1st grade, a teacher critiqued my art work & said something to the effect of "not everyone is an artist, don't worry, you'll find your strengths" and I never drew again. As an adult and a teacher, I've been unraveling these beliefs about myself that I internalized as a small child. Today's presentation made me not only feel like art could be fun and low stakes, but being part of something larger and sharing my art with a stranger in a vulnerable way made me feel like I'd unraveled another layer of the beliefs holding me back. Thank you for the heart you put into your art.

  48. Inspired, mind blowing session! I am an artist and your session validates I am in the right direction with the innovative projects to move forward! Thank you for your resources to share with us. Thank you and thank you!

  49. You are doing such good work by spreading this important message. Thank you for the inspiration! Loved the way that you were able to connect everyone in the room and at home in a beautiful work of art. ❤️🌟

  50. Turning a limitation into in an opportunity has been a struggle in many areas of my life. Thank you for sharing your story and re-opening my eyes to an endless amount of opportunities. All I can say, What an AMAZING presentation!

  51. This presentation was true gift! Thank you for being there✨🙏🏽♥️

  52. Inspiring! Brilliant representation of human potential highest talent combined with releasing positive energy of letting go of limiting beliefs. Thank you

  53. Amazing!  Thought provoking! Great connections for the world. Embracing my limitations, thank you so much!

  54. It was make me feel so inspired. I really love your presentation, it was one of my favorites. Make all participated and the result was amazing 🤩. I'm rally admiring you for never getting up.  🥰

  55. So engaging! Funny, thought-provoking, and honest! I revisited past experiences in a new way, looking at them through a new lens. From what was once a life-changing, crushing blow, one that I believed I'd never live through, brought me a deeper understanding of myself, my strength, and the powerful love of my family. Thank you for sharing your story

  56. Your presentation was absolutely amazing! It was so wonderful and inspiring! 

  57. I loved it! You held my full attention through all of it. You are amazing!

  58. It was wonderful! I wish you had been the keynote on Friday or Saturday because you are a gifted presenter. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

  59. It was fascinating and inspirational. Thank you for sharing your journey and focusing on the process

  60. Your presentation was not only loaded with creativity, it also gave  encouragement and brought a positive perspective on limitations. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of your presentation. The big reveal at the end was the icing; so excited that I was part of that creation! Thank you so much.

  61. Thank you for sharing your story with us, It was a great way to end the conference.

  62. I enjoyed your presentation!!

  63. your presentation was amazing. I love the way you engaged with the audience. I love The way you walked the floors to ensure positive participation and you also showed that you were speaking from your heart, and not a reading from a script.

  64. The presentation was great and very interactive! You are very talented.

  65. It was amazing. I was so touched. You made me think and reflect on my life. Thank you 🙏🏼

  66. I love how interactive the presentation was.

  67. When I left the presentation I immediately texted my family to let them know how much I love them and how much they inspire me to overcome my challenges. Loved the presentation

  68. INSPIRING loved the interaction. I would order a poster of the final piece if you were to print it.

  69. You are such an inspiration, your presentation was positive.  It was powerful for me. What a wonderful positive outlook.

  70. Your presentation was absolutely inspirational and an amazing testament to what we are capable of.

  71. I love it! From beginning to end. Thank you

  72. Absolutely amazing!!! Such a talent and loved the interaction piece. Keep up the great work!

  73. It was freaking amazing!

  74. Your presentation was amazing!!! Thoroughly enjoyable and I'm inspired by your story! Thank you for sharing your story with the world! It will carry on with so many people!

  75. Phil , you have been so inspirational. Thank you for sharing your story and showing that we need to keep walking with our head held up high with our weekness too and that in no time becomes our strength. So awesome. You are magical in your creations . Just one thing , pls don't destroy them after you have done creating . They are your masterpieces. It's always nice to reflect back on them. Thanks 😊

  76. Loved it. Thanks for sharing your amazing story. Truly inspiring.

  77. Hi Phil, your presentation was completely inspiring!  Things it made me consider: *There is beauty in destruction. *Coming together as a whole can make something even more beautiful that would never exist on its own. *Finding ways around obstacles instead of through them allows them to still exist and creates a chance for them to come back. Thank you for sharing with us today. ❤️

  78. I'm leaving Fl inspired and energized by you. Your authenticity and mission came together into one of the best keynotes I've seen. Thank you for your work and for making my day.

  79. I really enjoyed the presentation.  It was fun and thought-provoking. Thank you for sharing your story, your talents, and your wisdom.

  80. Your presentation was remarkable and uplifting. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I especially enjoyed the part about getting passed self-imposed limitations.

  81. It was great fun!  Several years ago a colleague and I hosted a workshop on Sketching as a means for observing for teachers of adolescents. It was packed and so fun!  We have been planning to host it again next year, but it would have been cool to do so this year!

  82. I enjoyed the presentation and how I reactive it was!

  83. Your presentation inspire me to reflect on personal challenges and limitations that I have set for myself. It motivated me to embrace the shake. 

  84. Loved it so much and I appreciate the raw and truth in your keynote. You were vulnerable and relatable and I got a little emotional! I'm so happy I got to experience that. Thank you so much! ❤️

  85. Your presentation was truly amazing! I have the utmost respect ( maybe a little jealousy ) of anyone who has that much artistic talent! I am a scientist through and through I can draw nothing but stick figures and very crude representations of things so for you to have the ability to do what you do truly blows me away your story is inspirational and I look forward to reflecting and seeing how I can overcome my own challenges in life and make them opportunities.

  86. I am so incredibly impressed with your talent, your ethics, and your ability to inspire. Even though I love art appreciation, I am not a good artist. Yet, I am positively overwhelmed by your talent, your creativity, and your positivity.

  87. Your presentation was so inspiring. What every person needs to hear.

  88. You were incredible! Thank you for an amazing experience. I will always hold it dear to me!

  89. Inspirational and moving. As a person with Parkinson's, I was deeply touched by the idea that my limitations can be an avenue for inspiration, if not only for myself but others too. Thank you!

Pharmaceutical Company

  1. Phil, you are amazing. Thank you for bringing your gifts into the room. 

  2. Thanks for sharing both your artistic talent and your gift of inspiration with us.  It was amazing, cool, interesting, hopeful wonderful and many other things!

  3. Many thanks!!! I really enjoyed your session!!! You are amazing and talented!!!

  4. What a wonderful Presentation and concept! Very timely and very much appreciated  Keep up the good work!

  5. Again, I've been with Merck 27 years and have never enjoyed or been inspired by a keynote speaker more than you!!! You were absolutely AMAZING and INSPIRING! I can't wait to share your story with my Mother, husband and others.

  6. One of the best, unique and inspiring presentations I have ever been part of......thanks for sharing and thanks for embracing your limitations ❤️🙏🏽

  7. Your presentation today was phenomenal. Sharing with my family. 😃

  8. You are an AMAZING Artist 🎨!!! Continued Blessings!

  9. Can't wait to see it on your socials! You were the most impactful guest speaker in my 22 years. I'm an amateur, accidental artist. 

  10. Phil, I really enjoyed hearing your story and the art interaction. Usually we have boring speakers. We are sales people and we like the interaction.  Everyone in my table loved your presentation. I hope they bring you back. It was so lively and fun.

Risk Management Group

From the President: "We were thrilled with your presentation. Your art is so thoughtful and contemplative that the message is powerful. The art giveaway was an unexpected fabulous gesture. Keep doing what you do!" 

1. I think your presentation was awesome if my little girl could've seen it she would've been fascinated she loves art

2. Really enjoyed it. Appreciate your amazing talents.

3. Excellent. Creating what I want has been very helpful in my career. At the same time it may now be my down fall or as you pointed out, my new beginning. A very important conversation. Peter.

4. Thanks Phil! Loved the talk and the art. Do you have any art you send to elementary schools for their art classes? My children's school would really benefit from this art and the unique perspective!

5. Great talk, Phil. Often seeing a keynote's bio one wonders how the talk will integrate with the risk management discipline. Your presentation wonderfully presented the concept of resource limitations being a reality, but solutions are still available if we discard limiting beliefs. Thank you for your enlightening perspectives!

6. Excellent, informative, inspirational and super dynamic presentation today at our PARMA Conference!! Thank you Phil!

7. Thank you for the inspiration to think bigger

8. Very inspirational. Kudos to you for your insight to change your perspective yet still pursue your passion for art. Good luck to you.

9. I enjoyed your presentation this morning. Very inspiring.

10. I was able to walk away with the following awesome nuggets: Think outside the box but work within the box "It isn't the mountain ahead to climb that wears you our it's the pebble in your shoe." Muhammad Ali Identify the obstacles in your life and work on a solution to work around and through them. Embrace then limitations in your life. Seize the limitation. Great job Phil!

11. Awesome- our coe is involved in an initiative with significant engagement with native Americans. Any chance to get a copy of the large artwork you gave away if there are extras

12. I really enjoyed it. You were not the typical speaker. Very inspiring and enlightening.

13. Truly. TRULY. Enjoyed it.

14. Very inspiring. As the father of a daughter who is an artist (graphic designer) and another daughter who is a veterinary student who also has Trichotillomania, I found the presentation very personal

15. Hi, Phil here! Here's the link to the PDF. Hope it proves helpful in some way.

16. I enjoyed and appreciated your talk very much. The use of photos, video and live presentations of your art was perfectly utilized. After the presentation I was actually inspired to quickly outline a management presentation I may give at some point in the future. The only thing that would have made the presentation any better for me would have been to be able to secure a piece of your art. I don't think the giveaways could have been different unless you were will to giveaway 750 pieces of your art for free. Thanks for sharing your story and triumphs

17. I really enjoyed your talk and your message! I look forward to moving past my self limiting beliefs.

18. Great. Very useful in these challenging times. 👍

19. Amazing!!!

20. Thank you Phil, resizing moments of change, 2 minutes walking out the door after your talk was a message from my mom looking for help from 30 minutes before now finding out she was having a heart attack. Life is fluent, your talk and art helps give perspective when needed confronting big things or navigating through moments.

21. I thought it was great. I attend a lot of conferences and am a bit tired of the "overcoming adversity" theme, but this was different. I really enjoyed the true focus on the ways in which you could shift your focus to a more productive effort. And especially the recognition of actual limitations that exist without having to be limited by them. Really well done!

22. Excellent and inspiring

23. Awesome presentation! Your talent and ability to translate it into help for others is inspiring, THANKS!

24. I really enjoyed your talk. It was very applicable and interesting. Never knew you could make art from chewed up food. I have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia which took 3 years for doctors to figure out. So I am trying to maneuver life being 52 years old with a 6 and 14 year old. So thanks for the talk. Loved the art. Connie

25. Kudos! Great job! Only takeaway bad cell service.

26. Loved your presentation and Art! Wish o would have won!

27. I appreciated the analysis of limitations especially those we place on ourselves. Very inspiring and informative.

28. I love the talk; I truly would love the I the greatest photo for my dad who is the biggest Ali fan.❤️

29. Inspirational message! Your delivery kept us engaged and all of the clips and stories were thoughtful. I got one of the large posters and I'm so excited to get it up in my house. In gratitude, Amy

30. It was great. Very motivational.

31. Great presentation overcoming obstacles.

32. I thought you speech was inspirational and I loved the art. I was lucky enough to snag a poster my husbands 5th grade class will love it

33. Refreshing and engaging. A departure from typical " business inspirational".

34. Wonderful experience! Unforgettable. Left with some great insight.

35. Fantastic! Great delivery. I'll definitely be checking out your artwork after today's exhibits

36. Great presentation-the artwork u create is awesome-but even better is the thinking u display to put abstract ideas into action -great reminder that the Brain is a muscle that needs exercise (:

37. I have to say you're one of the best presenters I've ever heard and I attend a lot of conferences! Really inspired and you truly have a gift!

38. I go to a lot of conferences and hear a lot of speakers. Your talk by far was the best one yet. I appreciate your perspective and the fact you are trying to have the group walk away with some type of meaning or learning. Your talk was very much appreciated. The art give away was slow very generous. Thank you. Ross

39. It was so great! My sister has seen you before, my husband had seen you before and so when he told he you were speaking today I jumped at the chance to come too. Your presentation was inspiring and motivating and you are SO talented!! Thanks for sharing those talents with us!

40. Really enjoyed your talk. Your talent is unbelievable.

41. Dear Phil, I enjoyed your speech tremendously! You are an incredible human being! Thank you for your art! Extremely inspiring! Please, DO NOT STOP!!!

42. Really engaging presentation, and good food for thought!

43. I really enjoyed your presentation it was very motivational!

44. I found your story and artwork fascinating! Wish I would have been one of the recipients of your giveaway;-) Great job!

45. Great presentation. Very entertaining and good message.

46. Amazing presentation today. Thanks for sharing your passion and life lessons.

47. It was a very interesting topic. I enjoyed the story and insight and art. Wonderful. You are a talent.

48. It was amazing, one of the best keynotes I've been to in a while. Excellent work!

49. Great presentation. Applicable to all disciplines

50. Very unique, interesting, and inspiring! Your art is incredible!

51. The talk was great. It was interesting to see how you overcame the obstacle that was preventing you from continuing to paint. Your ability to change how you viewed painting and changes you made to continue will encourage others also to think outside the box to pursue a goal when something happens that may end that dream

52. Hi Phil! Awesome presentation! I loved how you weaved your story into an inspiring message. The art, the drama, the stories were intense and passionate. You gave it with calm confidence but with tenderness, expectation and encouragement. I loved the spiritual application. The person and their story is a work of art ready for exploration and exhibition even for just once. Disappointed I didn't get a poster, but your inspiration will stay with me a long time. Loved, loved, loved it. May you inspire many to greater heights and greater love, and may you feel the love of the One who gave you this special gift.

53. It was a great talk. You are a very talented artist snd quite motivating to not let your "disability " take over your life but rather you take over your "disability " and bring positivity to a lot of young people.

54. I truly enjoyed your speech and am so glad to see you found an alternative method to creating art, you are a wonderful artist. When you spoke about limitations and self limiting beliefs, it hit home with myself and my 2 adult sons who are still finding their way. I cant wait to share your words with them in hope's they will look at their situations in a different light. Thank you!

55. I really enjoyed your presentation this morning! Thanks for sharing your work and showing us your artistic talents!

56. I loved it.

57. Great job as a speaker and very talented artist!

58. It was terrific and inspiring. Thanks for changing my outlook and perspective in order to be an over comer! Great job Phil!

59. As a thinker out of the box (that I try to be) you are a guru! Really appreciate the doors that you opened in my mind.

60. Really enjoyed it. Appreciate your amazing talents.

61. I thought your presentation was fantastic! I'll be recommending to the city manager we bring you in for one of our quarterly manager's meetings.

62. To watch you touched me at the core. My mom just passed, she was an artist and art consultant to the Oxnard SD. At 95 she still loved and like you lives art deep in her sole. Your passion reminded me of her and brought joy to my heart. So Thanks!

Financial Services Company - Client included the art experience

1. I found your presentation to be truly amazing. I am so impressed with your artistic ability. You are so creative. It caused to me to really stop and think about my obstacles. You asked us to write it on a tiny piece of paper and that was hard for me. I wrote down self-doubt, but my wife says I am the most confident person she knows. I still feel a lot of self doubt, but maybe I do a good job of hiding it. I am sure I have other obstacles and now I look forward to finding those and embracing them. Thanks.

2. Phil, Really enjoyed the session. I passed on to my family that we need to view roadblocks/walls/limitations as opportunities to be creative and embrace change. Thanks for sharing.

3. Phil, I enjoyed your presentation and the interactive art project was unique. I would like to have heard more about the personal emotional toll and how you paid the bills during your evolution triggered by your "limitation." The crisis and survival skills. You're very cool and so is your art

4. Awesome and inspiring! I call your talk: Making Lemons into Lemonade! Thank you

5. Awesome presentation and amazing creativity thank you

6. I think your foresight on your art is simply amazing and ingenious. I truly am awed in your ability to be able to visualize your final result while starting so far away from it.Your presentation was fantastic and the videos were crazy to watch

7. Hi! I'm a middle school teacher... I loved your presentation and I'd like to share your video with my students.

8. You were excellent and brought it all together nicely. Flowed very well and kept me engaged. Art is soectacular and your talent is unique.

9. Fantastic message and incredible presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

10. Thank you for your inspirational talk. The advice to step back and change your perspective is priceless. My daughters are artists and it amazes me how they can see the vision even before the start. The karate chop video was that same way to me. Great talk and message about perspective and fragments making something bigger.

11. I think you did a great job. You have God given talent. Continue to use it to make a difference!!! Change people's lives!

12. Hi Phil, I have followed your website in your artistry for a decade? I don't even remember where I first heard of your art, but LOVE it. In a laptop crash, I lost the website and touch with your artistry. As you started talking, I thought to myself "wow your story sounds really familiar…" only to realize I knew your art. Your story is stunning and beautifully redemptive. Having a part of one of your pieces, and being able to create art "with" you have been a truly memorable experience. You did a wonderful job presenting- mixing both your own story along with the videos of your art and the stories of others who have been impacted by you. We as adults don't always have an opportunity to do something we are not great at...and then have someone laugh with us in the process and then make beauty out of our mediocre-ness. So appreciate you- your story and your art. I look forward to watch what amazing things you do as you expand your platform.

13. Thank you Phil. I was totally impressed and inspired by your talk. I have seen so many crippled by self limitations. I must confess that I also find myself lamenting all the ways in which I failed. But as you say, the perceived limitations are only an opportunity to be more creative. So Thank You for reminding me .... "Why not Me!"

14. It was amazing a powerful. You blow my mind.

15. I love the connection/ analogy you made on the day you presented the final artwork. That part where you focused so closely on the individual pictures and then as you pull back you see the complete work . Like our day to day actions and how they seem insignificant then you " pull back" and look at your life's work and see the " big picture". That resonated with me

16. Awesome motivation and inspiration about overcoming obstacles. I found your view on life and art amazing as well. Fantastic work

17. I found your presentation to be both interesting and inspiring...keep doing what you're doing

18. I found you motivational, your art to be unique, spectacular and inspiring. Engaging and bringing the audiences into your talk as well as our attempts at art to life, was something that I will always remember and I have already shared with so many people.

Association  - Client included the art experience

1. You were fascinating. ☺️ and incredibly talented.

2. Thank you for the presentation and showing us your passion for art! It was really interesting to see through your eyes how much possibility is out there to create and overcome. I felt lighthearted and inspired to try and bring some of my limitations to light and see exactly what I can do to get passed them. You're time was much appreciated :) I hope you have a very lovely day!

3. Your talk yesterday was very inspiring. I was lucky enough to grab one of your connect the dots. Bummed you had to leave early but completely understand. You opened my mind to really look at the big picture and what I want that picture to be. Thank you!

4. It was very inspiring and you are a VERY talented person!

Credit Union

1. You were fascinating. ☺️ and incredibly talented.

2. Thank you for the presentation and showing us your passion for art! It was really interesting to see through your eyes how much possibility is out there to create and overcome. I felt lighthearted and inspired to try and bring some of my limitations to light and see exactly what I can do to get passed them. You're time was much appreciated :) I hope you have a very lovely day!

3. Your talk yesterday was very inspiring. I was lucky enough to grab one of your connect the dots. Bummed you had to leave early but completely understand. You opened my mind to really look at the big picture and what I want that picture to be. Thank you!

4. It was very inspiring and you are a VERY talented person!

Financial Services Company

1. Absolutely mind opening, refreshing and brilliant. Thank you!

2.Phil, your presentation spoke to me. When you put up the slide, "limitation vs self limiting belief", I felt that opened up my eyes. That's life right there in one slide, in 4 words. ☝️ I also downloaded your pdf. I look forward to using that on the daily. God bless. Thank you for sharing your story.

3. Your talk was incredible and inspiring. In truth, there is no limit to what anyone can do if they will believe in themself and shake off their self-imposed limitations. That includes creating art. Just a matter of trusting one's instincts and practicing spontaneous creation. Practice! My 14 year-old son is battling muscular dystrophy, a terminal disease, yet he makes straight A's in school, plays synthesizer in his school marching band, plays clarinet in the school wind symphony, solos in the school choir, excels in school business society competitions, does drawing and art, does theater, can style his mother and sister's hair, and can write fantastic fiction. A real testament to destroying self-limitation.

4. Thanks Phil, your talk was motivating and entertaining! Perfect way to end our meetings. Thank you, your so talented!

5. It was great! You are so talented!

6. Amazing presentation! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your art!!

7. Loved the talk, the videos and the message.

8. My second Phil Hansen experience and what a treat! Very relevant, inspiring and thought-provoking. A fresh perspective on the power of the mind and harnessing limitations in order to spark creativity!

9. Phil your talk today reminded me that change works and pushes you to decide how you will embrace it: let it limit you or let it test your limits. I noticed you used different ethnic groups in your art, what drives you to be stretch your imagination of focal points?

10. Hi Phil, it was good to be reminded that we should see past our limitations and that what we see as limitations can be great opportunities. I think that we all forget that in our day-to-day struggles. Thanks for coming to talk to us

11. Phil, enjoyed the talk. Keep creating and destroying.

12. Very inspiring speech! You are a very talented artist and I enjoyed your work. Bummed I didnt win a poster!

13. Truly inspiring!

14. Awesome and inspiring. I wish my 26 year old daughter could have seen you speak today.

15. Phil, thank you for the motivating presentation. I could have been one of the 1,000 you interviewed. See I lost my wife to cancer a few years ago and was left to raise two teenage by myself. Doing that while holding down a very demanding corporate job has brought me to my knees. I've lived in the why me world for awhile. I'm also a woodworker and one of my daughters is an artist, so seeing your work was a treat. Those joys have been a great outlet for us. Are the posters you had available for sale on Amazon? Thank you

16. Inspiring and much needed based on our recent organizational changes

17.Thank you for taking the time to share with us today. You were gracious enough after your time to speak with me about my teenage son and his interest in art, and your advice was truly helpful. You have an amazing talent and thank you for sharing it with us!

Logistics Shipping Company

1. You were great! I really enjoyed your presentation

2. Hey Phil. Your presentation was well done. You are so talented and your message about seeing beyond your limitations is one that brings hope. My best friend is a high school art teacher and I grabbed one of your tubes to give her so she can teach her class about you. I've been with PB for 21 years and your keynote speech is my favorite of all speeches over the years.

3. Phil, I am the guy that asked you about Sarah when you got off of the stage. Everyone I spoke to during our lunch break said that they were very impressed with your presentation, me included. I grabbed one of your pieces of art that you left for us. Thanks for everything.

4. Incredibly inspiring- applicable life and work lessons- what a moving session- I did not know what to expect and I was truly enthralled - AMAZING ART and perspective - great flow and mix of talk/video/activity- cool touch that we helped destroy your art!! Lol - in one word: IMPACTFUL!!!

5. First thought is wow! I found your speech was very inspiring. I sent the links and spent time explaining your message to my daughter who is currently struggling in her first year of college. She was amazed and I will spend additional time looking at and showing your work to my other kids at home. Your story is awesome and very inspiring, I too suffer from hand tremors that stopped me from drawing. Thank you for such a heartfelt message and good luck in your endeavors.

Insurance Company

1. I loved it, in my opinion your talk was the best session out of all the other ones. Your art truly speaks to people and encourages them to think out of the box. You are a true example of how you can Embrace the Shake and turn the life around to what one imagines it to be. I feel great to have had this opportunity to be a part of your art. Keep up the great work. 

2. Hi Phil, this is jim jwetekamp, ceo of riskonnect. I really appreciate your contribution to our conference. The impact was meaningful. Drawing and painting is a hobby of mine and I've long recycled canvases in the spirit of reminding myself to enjoy the process of creation and focus less on the need for appreciation or likes later. But your story matched with your terrific talent gives me personally even more to reach for. I'll carry the pictures I drew and received in our session with me for quite a while. And the finished einstein piece will be a great story for our colleagues. Thanks again.

3. It was awesome!!!!! Loved everything about it.... going to change my focus because of your talk.... realised that I am absolutely living in "What is" and am going to move my thought to "What if"!!!!

4. Wonderfully creative and inspirational. Shows how you can take advantage of the old adage "when one door closes, another opens"! 🙏

5. It was inspiring. Loved the artwork, terrific job.

6. Hi Phil! It's usually easy to attribute a lot of our personal failures in life to "not being gifted enough". Your talk helped break the notion that it seems effortless for the gifted people to succeed! Pointing out the distinction between Limitation & Self Limiting Belief has seriously challenged a framework of assumptions that I look forward to break and rebuild, myself.

7. Great presentation. Good message. With the negativity we face daily this was a great dose of positivity.

8. It was awesome...You are very talented!

9. It was the best part of the conference! You're a great speaker and even better artist and motivator

10. Loved the end result and the talk. It's amazing what can be done with little 1" squares of paper. You are an inspiration. We all need to realize a limitation is only a limitation if we let it be one.

11. I thought it was amazing and so engaging. Your art is beautiful and I loved that we all go to take part in a piece of your art. Truly amazing!

12. The talk was very inspiring and the art was phenomenal. I am no artist so to have my little amateur drawings end up as part of a piece of your art was amazing. Keep inspiring us to embrace our limitations

13. Excellent! I hope we can keep the art you created so we can have it in one of our offices

14. Your talent and inspiration is truly amazing, Phil. Thank you. I wasn't able to attend on site at the conference, but was attending via the video conference they arranged for us RK employees. And I still was amazed! I can only imagine what it must have felt like to be there live! Keep on spreading your amazing talent with the world!!!

15. You're a Rock Star! Seriously you should donate your brain to science because the way you envision art is truly one of a kind! Greatly enjoyed your entire presentation!

16. Simply an amazing experience. "embrace the shake"

17. I was truly impressed! 18. I really enjoyed it!

Advertising Company

1. You were fantastic. I would not change a thing. It was beautiful and inspiring.

2. Phil , the presentation was very well received. I have enjoyed it very much.

3. Hi Phil. As an artist I think you are amazing. My kids were blown away by your videos. As a speaker I think you were engaging and entertaining.

4. Fantastic! Inspiring. I sent the TED talk link to everyone in my family.

5. Your talk was AMAZING!!!! And so are you very inspirational I wanted to talk about non attachment and what we can learn from your destructive work Will be in touch about how to get you to come to some DC events

6. Loved the talk. Can't wait to look at all the other content out there.

Financial Services company

1. Phil, you did a great job of telling your story. One that lives in everyone in some way, shape or form. You have the shake, I have a cancer, my neighbor has anxiety, my buddy has Parkinson's and young man I am mentoring isn't able to get the job in the field he wants. We don't get through life without some issue that thinks it can limit us. However what we forget is that the problem you face only manages that problem but I still get to decide the bigger strategy. Your message was a powerful reminder of that to all of us so thank you and keep up the great work.

2. Loved the talk. Can't wait to look at all the other content out there.

3. Hi Phil, you were amazing. The talk was very inspiring and very impactful. Thank you for sharing your life and art with us. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

4. Phenomenal talk and experience - can't wait to share with my team, my family and my friends. \n\nIdea for a project - recycling plastic bottles art with Greta Thunberg \n\nAfter your talk I finished off my drink and tossed my bottle into the recycling bin. It triggered an experience from a week ago. I was at a high school football game, when walking by the garage can, it was overflowing with plastic bottles. None recycled. So few of our nations youth know about the impact that has on the world. Is there a way you can inspire them through art?

5. Loved the talk! It was interesting to learn how you are inspired constantly by the seemingly mundane. It's making me pay more close attention to my own 🌎. Thanks!

6. This is the second time i have seen you. Great job!!!

7. I loved the talk. Very applicable and inspirational. Several points I can take back and share with my team.

8. It was amazing- so inspired- started to follow you on IG! Very relevant and timely message for our business delivered in a dynamic and creative way!

9. You were absolutely inspiring and inspirational.

Speaking Association

1. Hi Phil, my name is Ben. I think your talk was great. You took us on a chronological journey thru your experience. You were able to help us relate to your limitations, how you challenged them and perhaps how to challenge our own limitations. \nI really appreciated your creativity and how you use it to create art. Thank you for sharing your story and your art with us!
2. You were absolutely phenomenal - captivating message and very thought provoking
3. Phil you were amazing. I have a love of art but never had a glance behind the curtain. You have shared something with me and I am fortunate to get to tell you how much it meant to me. Your message has forever changed my life. I have always felt that I have had to throw resources at my limitations and always tried to compensate but still found myself lost and with even more questions. You have inspired me to embrace those limitations.
4. Interesting message. The two types of obstacles, "I can't do art if my hand shakes" is the obstacle you put in your own way. And, you articulated that the next question should be, "then how else could I do art?" What was implied and maybe should have been articulated was, if something is standing in the way of our happiness, we need to turn it around. "How *else* can I get there?" The way you've innovated around that has made you stronger, more unique than you started.
5. Unforgettable, phenomenal speech. It has remained with me!
6. Phil Your art is amazing and so surprising! Your move from Artist to speaker definitely shows us how to not let limits hold us back My grandson has only one hand and there is nothing he won’t try. He has played basketball baseball uses a machete etc He turns 13 in Sept and truly hope his teen years are uplifting as opposed to more bullying from classmates and especially as he encounters those teen age attraction to the. Female gender.keep him in your positive thoughts!
7. It was awesome and magical. WOW!
8. Totally awesome talk and the art is off the hook I admire your drive
9. Thank you Phil for your inspiring message on last nights keynote presentation. I felt as if your talk was taylor made for me. I will take the gifts you offered and apply it to my art making and life outside my studio. Peace and continued blessings to you. -Robert D.Lee
10. Thank you for the paradigm shift training. As I get older, I too need to think of new ways to think and adapt.
11. Hi Phil. Your speech was awesome. It had a personal impact. It resonated with me. I have speech impidment-stutter. And how, it kept me in a box. The visual aid (art work) was amazing
12. I loved your presentation. It was packed with emotional appeal, great visuals that wowed everyone, cool 'aha' messages and an interesting menagerie of key points applicable to personal development. How you develop your tiny art in an up close environment into large scale meaningful pictures is really awe striking to the average non-artist like myself. The ability u have is something that I would guess strikes cords of jealousy in the hearts of some other artists. But I guess u all understand that all are gifted differently. Thanks for sharing your story and insights.
13. Phil, first and foremost, thank you for sharing your story! Your talk and art experience was simply amazing! Engaging, Memorable and a conversation to be shared!
14. I've been to Toastmasters International Conventions since 2006. Yours was one of the most inspiring opening night keynotes I've heard. Thanks so much!
15. Hi Phil! You did a great job helping everyone think about reinventing the way they approach things! May want to try moving your hands above your head at key moments for emphasis (think climax to a story or song)
16. Hi Phil. You were wonderful. I Was deeply moved by your message and who you are in the world. I'll think about more specific feedback and let you know what I come up with.
17. Was a great session, I felt connected. Personally I believe the timing could have been curtailed as the power of being brief makes me stay engaged
18. You were amazing. Warm, engaging and incredibly creative. It was a joy to be in attendance and participate.
19. I am always amazed at Artists of any medium. As a special education teacher I marvelled at how the push obstacles out of the way and do not focus on what they can't do. Your speech has made me reflect on the things I have perceived as obstacles. I woke up with a new attitude this morning and am excited about looking at what I can do and not see limitations. I believe the possibilities are limitless.
20. You have a wonderful message! I loved being part of the 400 who helped you create that art! What I got from your presentation was #embracetheshake.
21. Wasn't sure at first- not being an "arty" person. But wow. What a refreshing perspective and way of "being present".22. I was incredibly impressed with both your talent and your presentation. You gave me a whole new look at varying my perspective on life!
22. Great job. Your presentation was amazing. I really enjoyed your message & your pictures.
23. Thank you for your encouraging talk, I loved the way you shared your personal story and showed us how to look at life from a different angle and look thru a different set of glasses, I am very creative and I was very excited to see what you made. God has blessed you and thank you for blessing me.
24. Even though I felt terrible about destroying your art, I understood the message 🙂 thank you for sharing your story and gift with us. Last night was an amazing experiences!
25. Hi Phil, thank you for the AMAZING and moving presentation. My dad has Parkinson's and embracing the shake was relatable. It is bittersweet the precious time I have helping him as he was always there for me growing up. Wishing you continued success:)
26. Collaboration with others is the key to a masterpiece!
27. Fantastic talk and amazing art!
28. U are truly gifted.. in Hinduism.. it is widely believed that anything that is created must be destroyed so that it can be recreated... Although I am not much of a religious person.. I felt connected.. Thank you for that. :)

Regional healthcare software company

1. Wow!!

2. Great presentation--loved the unique experience and so did our attendees!

3. Amazing and enlightening. Thank you

4. Absolutely loved the talk and cant wait to see any new creations!!

5. Very interesting talk and approach to conveying your message to a bunch of physicians. Very enjoyable.

6. Thoroughly enjoyed all of it. I know I must step back from the dots of my life to see the portrait my village is creating.

7. I love art of all types and am amazed at the range of creativity. Your ability to see a vision in the ordinary items around you is unique and in a category of its own.

Cloud based management software company

1. Wow. Just wow. You brought me to tears. Hands down the highlight of my conference.

2. Absolutley loved your presentation! Would love to purchase one of those posters if they are available still. Any chance you have any left

3. One of my favorite presentations from this week. It was great to hear your perceptions, your struggles and your successes. You engage the crowd. I am looking forward to listening to your TED talk.

4. Phil - this is actually the 2nd time I've seen you this year - first time was at Majesco Convergence in Savannah. I think your story and presentation are very compelling.

5. My husband is a nature and landscape photographer who I would love to see this presentation! Is you TED talk similar? It was very inspiring!

6. Inspiring to take your message home to relay the message to the family. Seize the it

7. Great presentation today, really got me thinking... I would love to know if I could purchase one of those posters for my daughter, she loves to sketch, that is one of her outlets and I think she would love the challenge.

8. I appreciate your story, hearing how you navigated through your struggles and successes, and most of all your humble nature and kind spirit! You're talent is incredible!

9. Absolutely mind-blowing. Truly one of the best talks I've seen.

10. I loved your presentation so much I actually sent photos of it to my family. They said why are you at an art show and I explained it was about overcoming limitations and realizing what is a self limitation and they all LOVED that concept.

11. Phil - I loved your presentation! It was very energizing and envigorating! I liked the profoundness in the simplicity of the message. I missed out on getting one of the 22 posters, but after seeing the size of them, I dont know how I would wrestle it onto the plane! 22 is such an unusual number.

12. Absolutely great presentations.. Thank you so much Phil. I'm going to push my limitations.

13. Your presentation is so inspiring and self empowering. I loved your presentation.

14. Great presentation. I held my interest throughout.

Financial institution 

1. We really enjoyed your presentation and the artwork was amazing! It was fun to create and so cool to see the end result. Our 7 year old son is getting really into art and we can't wait to show him your stuff!!

2. The insight into your process is almost cooler than the art itself (which is incredible)

3. Hi Phil, Your presentation was outstanding and mind blowing! Thank you for sharing your story and art with us!! I really loved the story of the teenage girl with the hair loss... it brought me back to my son Noah's battle with cancer...\nI wish you the very best in your future endeavors! Blessings,\nChristine

4. You're story and presentation were great and very inspiring. I love your art and the approach you have in exploring art. Thanks for sharing and challenging the rest of us to be limitless in our thinking!

5. What an amazing presentation. Thank you Phil!

6. phil, the combination of your vision and message were excellent

Design Association

1. Awesome job today!

2. Thank you for sharing your story and your art. It's made me rethink things I have viewed as obstacles in my life and think more creatively about how to approach them in the future. Also - still working on the dot to dot!

3. Very inspirational and real. Truly enjoyed myself. Would like to have learned a little bit more about the transition from behind the canvas to in front of an audience and what that took to change your paradigm on being an artist versus an inspirational speaker and how you took your talent as an artist and turned it into a profession that may not be linear for an artist. Great job would see it again

4. It was absolutely amazing. One of the most inspiring presentations I've been too. I went about my day with a whole new approach. Thank you for that. 🖤

5. I found myself really wanting to know more about people's stories you were able to hear. Have you documented them in other ways? It reminds me of Story Corps but a visual iteration. I actually came to the event not expecting it to resonate - so thank you for getting me to that place of reflection.

Technology Industry Client

1. Good morning Phil! I just wanted to tell you that your presentation this morning was impressive. You touched many hearts and motivated us in so many ways

2. Hi Phil - I thought it was great. Didnt know what to expect going in but you have a great message and did a nice job of.connecting it to the audience and business in general. My daughter really enjoys art so I sent her the link to your website and she spent quite a bit of time there yesterday. Thanks

3. Thanks Phil, your presentation was great! Relatable, touching and empowering!! Keep up the good work!

4. I've never seen anyone like you before. Your Art Skill is one of a kind. Your presentation was excellence. Thank you.

Financial Association

Please share a very heartfelt thank you from us to Phil Hansen. He was a wonderful speaker and a delight to meet. I hope to see more of his work in the future.

1. Thought it was awesome! Hope you had a safe trip home!

2. Phil, awesome presentation! You're message about overcoming limitations through creativity is very powerful and something I feel I can apply in both my business and personal life. Not many of us are as creative or imaginative as you, but your message tells us we can be creative in different ways! I really enjoyed it!

3. Your art is wonderful. Thank you so much

Healthcare Professionals

1. Hey Phil! I really enjoyed your presentation and hearing your story of finding a way to make art even when you lost your dots. \n\nInspiring to say the least. \n\nI look forward to using your pdf to make my own journey more successful.

2. You were absolutely amazing!🥳 Your are talented beyond belief!!!!!! Excellent job relaying your message of creativity & success through conquering self limiting beliefs.👊 We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us! Your compassion for the girl in your presentation was very sincere and uplifting. Your art 🖼 was AMAZING!!!!!! I have never seen anything like it!!!!!!!! You are sooooo talented!

3. Thank you for the presentation you did this morning! Truly inspiring and both myself and office partner walked away saying we don't want our self believing limits become limitations for our company ! Thank you again! Your art work is amazing ! My favorite thing you showed was the Bob Marley made out of broken records!

4. Man, what a powerful testimony!The message in your presentation hit home with me and was a perfect start to the conference. You are super gifted and I pray that God will continue to use you in a mighty way. Thanks for your inspiration. 🙌

5. Presentation was fabulous! Made me think a lot about "excuses" I use to not do things. Thank you! Your talent is amazing!

6. I enjoyed your presentation so much!! Beside the fact that I think you are an incredibly talented artist, you also have a gift for motivational speaking! Truly amazing ❤️

7. I like your line of thinking and truly believe you are helping people - all - for me who had a different type of brain - you gave me - hope I'm not linear I git myself into linear and this made linear make sense? I am a free spirit in a historical executive world!

8. It was great. We would love to have some of your prints to hang in our hospital!

9. It was good. I really liked your theme of looking beyond obstacles and limitations, of choosing to reframe them as opportunities for something creative or different and of reaching beyond our perception of ourselves and our capabilities - The art is phenomenal and perfectly illustrates your message - Your 'conversation' with the audience is casual but meaningful. You are relaxed and you draw the audience into your story. Well done. - It was difficult watching you beat up a guitar,but I was grateful it was not a piano ( my instrument of choice). 😊- I think you should take music scores and do your magic with transforming some favorite songs ( the notes) into a picture - Like you did with dots and words.

10. Phil- you were one of the most inspirational speakers I have heard in a long time!!! Your story of the way you returned to art despite a tremor was so inspiring!!!!!! The distinction between limitations and self limiting thought processes was something I needed to hear. As a perfectionist who doesn't like to try new things because I can't make them perfect the first time I do them is self limiting thinking. I must get outside my lil box and be willing to make a mistake or just destroy a project and move the heck on!!!! I loved, loved it!!!! And, I loved your art. And, your musical inspirations!!!! Literally my fav part of the day!!!! Thank you!!!!!!

11. Phil, your art is truly amazing and extremely creative. My favorite was how you used shadows to create the image of a woman. Then when you combine the artwork with your expanding views on life's hurdles, the message is clear that a person is only limited by the boundaries they put on themselves. I left the conference and immediately called my son to share your message and challenge my adult son to grow outside his boundaries.

12. The presentation along with your art were truly amazing! You used a topic that is "off topic" and made many good points for us to consider. Well done!

13. Phil, you are an amazing artist, you inspire me- The world is blessed to have creative people such as yourself!

14. Love you talk today it was great talk

15. Tremendously insightful - You are are a catalyst in change in people's lives - Amazed at your insight and how the message translation to all realms of life- Phenomenal

16. Absolutely amazing! Best I've heard in forever

17. It was amazing, you are talented beyond measure, it was such a privilege to meet you in class and your presentation was eye opening.

18. It was awesome, loved every minute!

19. Great session! Love hearing how you overcome you obstacles! I have MS and push myself daily to not let this disease define me! Thank you for sharing your story!

20. It was truly amazing Phil. You are so talented and I truly enjoyed your presentation this morning. We are actually talking about you right now over dinner at Biga On The Banks. Thank you so much for showing us anything is possible and to embrace our limitations.

21. It was absolutely awesome. I loved the art session. I have been away from art for years but you have inspired me to start painting again

22. Presentation was great! Timely, maintained everyone's attention, the message was deep and pertinent to the time we live in healthcare

23. It was awesome and very inspirational! Thank you!

24. Loved your presentation.

25. I enjoyed your presentation very much. I had seen a bio on you in the past because your art is familiar especially the circular art of words. My daughter would be an inspiring story for you. She was born blind in her left eye and cannot see in 3D but does very impressive portraits for commission. She has not allowed it to limit her ability. If you would like I can send you some of her work and a newspaper article about her. I wished I couldve gotten one of your connect the dots. Im anal enough to be the first to finish it.

26. Your message and story were fantastic and motivational, thank you as I hope to utilize your thoughts in my department

27. Amazing! I want my daughter to see some of your work

28. Absolutely loved it. It amazing how you can put that art together in your head before you put it "canvas".

29. Phil, your message was inspiring and very motivating. Our organization is facing some upcoming changes that are exciting yet transitional. The message or the unconventional approach to your craft was exactly the message I needed to hear in preparation for these changes. Additionally, I would be interested in your availability to speak at our upcoming annual meeting in August 2019. Thanks so much for sharing your story today.

30. Phil, appreciate you sharing your story with us! Including the bits of video. Keep it up!! God Bless you!!

31. It was amazing and so inspirational!! Thanks Phil ☺️

32. Thought it was awesome! Have been talking about it all day!

33. It was a great presentation!

34. Your art is extraordinary. And your presentation made me realize I'm not too old to begin to remove the limitations I have. Thanks

35. I thought your presentation was absolutely amazing

36. At first I was thinking OMG art, I can't draw a straight line, I was so glad to take art appreciation and pass it.

37. Your presentation was amazing! There was so much information to learn with you sharing your story. Your art is truly amazing! Wish I was able to get one of the connect a dot photos. I love how you were able to over come the limitations that were put in front of you and so inspiring to others.

38. Truly enjoyed your presentation. A true test of you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Can't wait to go home and show your video to my husband and son

39. Phil, I was very impressed with your presentation. It was great. Thank you!

40. I can't believe how you see the image in to stories.

41. Absolutely loved your presentation !

42. Favorite part of the day today was your presentation! Loved hearing your story- very well spoken. Great job! Amazing art!

43. Enjoyed it. Had no idea where you were headed at first but you did good.

44. It was absolutely amazing! I can't wait to show my art teacher husband.

45. It was great...all of our party talked very positive about it all day.

46. Most revealing truth I've hear in a long time. Very inspirational

47. Great story and presentation! Maybe doing a live art/design would make it better? I truly enjoyed it and look forward to having my daughter's attempt the connect the dots art, thank you for that!

48. LOVED it! Very inspirational. Entertaining. I was amazed by you and your story. Also loved the creation from the sessions. A great feeling to be a part of it, but I was worried it would be destroyed before I saw it! Thank you!

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